Here you have the best patterns for el hogar de las lanas. In addition to patterns for ganchillo, you can find another type of patterns like crochet with easy charts. We show you how to make amigurumi patterns with simple indications.
by Oh!villo
cuello, ganchillo, punto, trinidad
by SiempreJosefina
pajaroto, pocoyo, amigurumi, siemprejosefina
by Mummycrafts
cadeneta, ganchillo, crochet, mummycrafts
by AKARImc
boina, gorro, akarimc
by Santa Pazienzia
trapillo, bolso, clutch, santapazienzia
by Creativa Atelier
cuello, creativaatelier
by ColorfulLullabies
cuadrado, asimetrico, manta, colorfullullabies
by Costurea
manta, ganchillo, crochet, lugo, costurea
by Amigurumies
conejito, conejo, amigurumi, amigurumies
by Wasel Wasel
cesta, trapillo, wasel wasel
by Fabrica de Imaginación
zanahoria, fabricadeimaginacion
fular, albacete, crochet, ganchillo, costurea
manta, ganchillo, crochet, hamburgo, costurea
by Novedades Jenpoali
muñeco, nieve, amigurumi, novedadesjenpoali
by Happy ganchillo
cactus, trapillo, happyganchillo
by Perse Amigurumi
foquitos, guirnalda, navidad, adorno, perseamigurumi
bolso, happyganchillo
by IPunts
trapillo, cuelgamacetas, plantas, ipunts
by Mis Pequicosas
natsu, muñeca, verano, mispequicosas
by Simple Crochet
cómo, hacer, árbol, navidad, crochet
lobo, caperucita, amigurumi, mispequicosas
by Hamoraima
funda, movil, hamoraima
by Ca La Coru
chal, bufanda, calacoru
by Walaly
cactus, walaly
bolsa, primera, comunión, crochet
bola, crochet, hamoraima
by Carrousel Craft
falda, ropa, mujer, invierno, carrouselcraft
by Pitusas y Petetes
monedero, crochet, ganchillo
by Patchamano
bolso, rosa, ganchillo, crochet
bolso, turquesa, ganchillo, crochet
cesta, blanco, ganchillo, crochet
bolso, redondo, ganchillo, crochet
alfombra, morado, ganchillo, crochet, trapillo
cesta, azul, ganchillo, crochet, trapillo
by OsitosDulces
osito, peluche, amigurumi, ositosdulces, bebe
by Zapazapatuco
botitas, botas, patucos, rosas, zapazapatuco
by RedSewingBox
merceditas, flamenca, patucos, bebe, redsewingbox
by CgToys
novios, boda, pareja, amigurumi, cgtoys
by Cuartodecostura
chaqueta, niña, niños, bebé, cuartodecostura
corazón, corazones, akarimc
by Fluxcreativite
monedero, redondo, angele, ganchillo, fluxcreativite
by Sdroppelmann
conejo, amigurumi, pascua, sdroppelmann
In donpatron you can search knitting pattern for your projects. Crochet, amigurumi, granny squares and all kind of wear.